Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Very Punny

Q: If a crazy person is walking through the woods, which route do they take?
A: The Pyscopath!

Q: What kinda bees make milk?
A: Boo-Bees!

Q: Were did the kittens go on a class trip?
A: To the meow-seum.

If you know any more good BAD jokes, write it in the comment section :)

Oh Deer!

Injured Deer Runs Into Free Medical Care

Associated PressPublished: February 10, 2009

ROSSFORD, Ohio—A wounded deer found its way to free medical care in Ohio.It ran into a Toledo area pet supply store with a veterinary clinic inside and was patched up Saturday afternoon.After the manager of the PetSmart in Rossford noticed the female deer in bloody snow behind the building, the animal ran into an open door to the stockroom. Employees called police and summoned store veterinarian Agustin Cuesta.As clinic assistants held down the doe, Dr. Cuesta closed its hind leg wounds with dissolvable stitches. He says he couldn’t tell how the animal got hurt.The door was reopened to release the deer back into the wild.Store manager Trudi Urie cracked that it was a good thing the deer found the PetSmart - and not a store for hunters.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Only in Tucson....

Super Bowl Porn Shocks TV Viewers in Tucson
A Comcast cable feed of the Super Bowl being viewed by fans in Tucson was interrupted by a 30-second pornographic clip featuring a woman unzipping a man's pants followed by a sexual act between the two.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Jib Jab!

I was watching the debates last night and was reminded of Jib Jab, a collection of funny video animations. Today, I found that they have already made a video about this current election.

And lets not forget the old favorites...


Sunday, July 13, 2008

Welcome Home Tailor!

Last Wednesday I brought home a new cat, Tailor; she got her name from her slightly kinked half tail.

I am her third and last owner. She previously belonged to the sister of my coworker Meg.

She has been kicked out of homes due to dogs twice. She had been living in a garaged and barked at and frighten by the three dogs that lived in the house.

As can been seen in the photo, she has made herself at home at my place. She loves to be on anything and everything soft.

Tailor has a great personality, she is very loving a sweet but a little skittish. I think she will ease up a bit once she realizes that there will be no dogs coming after her.

Shrody, my other cat, is starting to become more comfortable with the fact that there is a new cat in the house.

Monday, May 12, 2008

The River

The first river trip of the season was this past Saturday.

Jaskie attempted to make this a small group but failed. 11 people ended up going: me, Jaskie, Chris (Tree), Emily, Meaghan, Brad, Lilly (Brads friend), David, Hillary, Jarrod, Carl, and Nyomi.

Good times were had, beers were drunk, song here attempted to be sung; Piano man went well but we decided Build Me Up Buttercup was not the same without Parker.

One big thing went wrong however, Jarrod made the mistake of trusting Nyomi with his keys. Apparently, Nyomi had zipper pockets on the pants she was wearing on the river, so she and Jarrod thought it was a safe place to keep their keys. Well, Nyomi's story is her tube flipped over and her pants fell off... I personally think there has to be more to it... anyways, she immediately started looking for the pants but did not tell the rest of us until 20 minutes later. Needless to say the pants and keys were never found.

The river was really slow that day and it took us 6 1/2 hours to make the trip, we reached the cars at 5:30. Now I was not there for this, but apparently everyone else who was involved in the key debacle did not get home till after 8:30.

Moral of this story: Don't trust Nyomi to be able to keep her pants on ;)